Storyboarding Sustainability

A CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Idea 9 - CI9-CW20: Storyboarding Sustainability Participants Emma Rand Matthew West Laurence Brown Mario Antonioletti Alison Clarke Context / Research Domain Many research domains where PIs may not have an awareness of reproducibility and sustainability best practice, may not consider it is relevant to their group or may not know where to start. Problem PIs are not always aware of the need to consider sustainability from the start of their project....

3 min · Emma Rand, Matthew West, Laurence Brown, Mario Antonioletti, Alison Clarke

The Turing Way

CW20 - 2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Remote Conferences and Collaboration: The Turing Way - CI5-CW20 Participants Sarah Gibson, Stephan Druskat, Louise Brown, Jurriaan H.Spaaks, Sam Mangham Context / Research Domain Issues on The Turing Way repository Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, remote work has become the default mode of working for most people in research, but it has also been common practice for different people and projects before that. How can we, working remotely, maintain the communities in this mode, and make sure that the community and the people involved in it remain healthy, and productive, and have all the information and technical support they need?...

3 min · Sarah Gibson, Stephan Druskat, Louise Brown, Jurriaan H.Spaaks, Sam Mangham

User centred design principles for research apps / citizen science

CW21 - 2021-03-30 Asparagus - CI1-CW21 Participants Jonathan Frawley / RSE, ARC, Durham University / e: t: @df3n5 Gary Leeming / CDC University of Liverpool / Jez Cope / Data Services Lead, The British Library, Yorkshire / / he, him / w: eRambler tw: @jezcope ma: gh&gl: jezcope Kirsty Pringle / SSI Project Manager / Context / Research Domain Please describe the context or research domain to which the problem applies...

3 min · Jonathan Frawley, Gary Leeming, Jez Cope, Kirsty Pringle

Using Raspberry Pis to deliver Carpentries training in remote locations

CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01 Lovelace-1842 - HP16-CW21 Hack Day idea proposer Becca Wilson Irma Hafidz Alison Clarke Talia Caplan Jannetta Steyn This document should be used to capture the information for a Hack Day Idea. Idea name (provisional) This is the provisional name of the Idea, solution or just a title; this can be changed later if a team is formed and you decide on a new team/product name....

3 min · Becca Wilson, Irma Hafidz, Alison Clarke, Talia Caplan, Jannetta Steyn