CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01

Amonette-1943 - HP1-CW21

Hack Day idea Proposer

Sorrel Harriet

This document should be used to capture the information for a Hack Day Idea.

Idea name (provisional)

This is the provisional name of the Idea, solution or just a title; this can be changed later if a team is formed and you decide on a new team/product name.

Hello World! (of CI/CD)

Context / Research Domain

Please describe the context or research domain to which the problem applies

Software engineering


Description of the problem you are trying to solve

Build a Hello World app (but make it support continuous deployment.)

This hack day idea is more about developing skills, and less about the idea itself.

I want to gain experience using best practices like TDD and CI/CD, but I never seem to get around to actually doing it. I also want to explore different ways of collaborating on a group leaning/coding exercise, so this is also about experimenting with that.


Explanation of the solution to the problem you have identified

I like the idea of doing this as a ‘mob programming’ exercise with a small group of other developers, the idea being that we can learn from and motivate each other. Maybe the end result can be packaged as an activity and/or group learning format for others to use and benefit from, but it isn’t a requirement.

Some tutorials that might serve as starting point:

I think a cookbook of CI/CD recipes would be a great potential output!

Diagrams / Illustrations

You can include diagrams in this section. Please ensure you have the right to use the image(s), and include an attribution if applicable.