CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01

Fox-1940 - HP9-CW21

Hack Day idea proposer

Heather Turner

This document should be used to capture the information for a Hack Day Idea.

Idea name (provisional)

This is the provisional name of the Idea, solution or just a title; this can be changed later if a team is formed and you decide on a new team/product name.

Exploratory analysis of past Collaborative Ideas

Context and/or research domain

Please describe the context and/or research domain to which the problem applies


Description of the problem you are trying to solve

Many of Collaborative Ideas have been proposed at past Collaborations Workshops. It would be great if there was a way to explore these ideas to see if there are recurrent themes, if proposed ideas have been taken on, etc. It would be useful for workshop organizers to identify potential themes/ideas for future events, e.g. as seed ideas for discussion or hack day pitches, so we can build on earlier ideas. It would be helpful for participants to know how their ideas fit in with what has gone before and who it would be good to talk to, particularly if they are new to the community.


Explanation of the solution to the problem you have identified

There are various possibilities to organize past ideas, or to provide a way past ideas could be explored:

  • a tagged collection of posts
  • issues on a git repository with tags that could be used for filtering
  • a dataset or database
  • a dashboard

Ideally the proposed solution would be easy to update with the ideas proposed at future collaborations workshops, or for the community to submit updates (e.g. if an idea is “resolved” by the idea being put into action in some way).

Example data to include:

  • people involved
  • whether idea went on to be pitched/worked on at hack day
  • theme of idea (sustainability, RSE career paths, etc)

Diagrams / illustrations

You can include diagrams in this section. Please ensure you have the right to use the image(s), and include an attribution if applicable.