CW21 Hack Day - 2021-03-31 to 2021-04-01

Booth-1948 - HP4-CW21

Hack Day idea proposer

Emma Karoune (representing The Turing Way Community)

Malin Sandstrom (INCF, CSCCE)

This document should be used to capture the information for a Hack Day Idea.

Idea name (provisional)

Inclusive authorship/contributor tool

  • Name ideas = Credit Me or All authors -
  • Credit All

Context and/or research domain

Relevant to all domains to attribute contributions to research projects from all contributors more fairly in the authorship of academic publications.


Current systems that attribute contributions to authors in academic outputs do not include all of the jobs/roles/tasks that are encompassed in research projects.

Issues include:

  • Capturing all roles on a project.
  • How to capture all tasks within those roles.
  • How to give different weight/credit to tasks completed or should they all have equal value?
  • How to convert this into the actual authorship - will it be a to z, random, ranked or a consortium?


  • Expand current lists to be more inclusive - using current systems such as CRediT, INRIA, BIDS Contributors.
  • Develop a tool to be used to record these contributions during the project such as within a Github repository.
  • Develop a way that this can be shown on academic papers - lists, table, cinema title page? (look at e.g. Brainhack paper w 100+ authors and Living with machines).

Diagrams / illustrations

You can include diagrams in this section. Please ensure you have the right to use the image(s), and include an attribution if applicable.

From Malin Sandstrom’s Lightning talk at CW21

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