Collaborations Workshop 2018 - 2018-03-26

Guidelines for research library users and providers (Group J)


Anastasis Georgoulas -


Vincent Knight Selina Aragon Thibault Clérice Henry Wilde Anastasis Georgoulas Adrian-Tudor Panescu Aleksandra Nenadic Tobias Schlauch Louise Brown Martin O’Reilly Robert Maftei

Context / Research Domain

Projects from any domain which need to reuse existing packages or provide libraries for others


Finding the right library to fit your project or requirements is not straightforward (dependencies, language, support etc). At the same time, creators of libraries find it hard to find users for their work, even when the there is a recognised need for it.


_ We want to make this process easier by:_

  • Identifying a minimal set of information that users find helpful and contributors should provide, by drawing from existing standards without generating another
  • Thinking what other aspects users consider (eg usage and community statistics like CHAOSS metrics), and seeing how they could be reported and extracted from eg GitHub or web search
  • Coming up with a draft policy or roadmap, including concrete recommendations for library writers and hints for users
  • [Possibly] Concepting or implementing a service that presents this information and allows for users’ input, without replicating existing repositories!

Diagrams / Illustrations

You can include one or two diagrams in this section. Please ensure you have the right to use the image(s), and include an attribution if applicable.